Cellulite and how to deal with it

Lifestyle & Tips door thijs

It’s almost sunny bikini season and I’m far from ready for it! My legs haven’t seen the sun in what feels like ages and in my head I somehow think I can just jump in a bikini and hit the beach! I mean, it's not like I indulged in cheat meals over Easter or anything... 

So a couple of days ago I tried on one of those white bikinis from the new Giselle Bündchen H&M collection and, at a closer look in the mirror, there it was, my worst enemy, my greatest fear, the destroyer of confidence - Cellulite - *GASP*!!! 

Immediate action must be taken, so I went home and did my research, which turned out to be very fruitful and useful in dealing with that pesky thing that’s just so hard to get rid off! Needless to say there were dozens of myths and misconceptions to weed out but also a ton of information that turned out to be quite useful! I’m going to share all my newly acquired knowledge and experience with you!

What I really want to make clear: NO SHAME - all women can get it. No matter if you’re skinny or struttin’ some curves, this evil enemy can still get under your skin (pun intended). There are several reasons why this can happen, among which poor nutrition, fad dieting, slow metabolism, hormone changes, lack of physical activity and even dehydration (note to self: drink more water).

First things first: What is cellulite?

Cellulite is a persistent type of fat, that gathers under your skin, especially in the areas of the hips and thighs, and causes a dimpled, lumpy appearance. This can vary from an 'orange peel' look all the way to 'cottage cheese'. Most of us have it and we all hate it, which is why you're not going to like the next bit.

It’s hereditary! Why thank you, dear genes! This means that certain genes like gender, race, slow metabolism or circulatory insufficiency can predispose you to developing unwanted adipose tissue. Moreover, hormones apparently have a say in this too, especially insulin, noradrenaline (enables the body to perform well in stressful situations), and thyroid hormones. You can prevent it though - Just stay away from refined and processed foods, SUGAR, dairy and all kinds of fatty products.

Cellulite and how to deal with it

 Good news is you CAN get rid of it, BUT it takes time and perseverance…


  • Most importantly - EXERCISE - Make sure you get a lot of blood flow into those areas! It will make you feel good and look good. Cellulite can also be caused by muscular atrophy, a condition that occurs when a layer of muscle becomes weak, undefined and separates from the skin, which is why exercise is so important! Oh! Spice up your life (and food), that helps burn calories & increase blood flow!
  • Scrub Up - massaging your thighs using scrub can stimulate micro circulation, will make your skin look smoother and you’ll benefit from a bonus arm workout in the shower. Make sure you use circular movements, from bottom to top, guiding the blood flow towards your heart. One of my favorites is the Blueberry Body Scrub Jelly from Bodyshop. You can even make your own by mixing 1tbsp of used ground coffee, 1tbsp of coconut oil, 1tbsp of brown sugar and a dash of cinnamon.
  • You can also use one of these handy massagers to do the job ( you don’t wanna scrub off all your skin layers ). Use this baby to massage your target areas every time you hit the shower - yeah it won’t work overnight!
  • Creams DO help! They rehydrate your skin and help it gain more elasticity after working out. Look for one that also contains caffeine or Gingko Biloba - a substance that oxidises fat cells and strengthens your veins to improve blood circulation! It also increases your ability to remember things! Not bad, huh?!

Well, now you know what to do, go on, get one step closer to your perfect thighs! What are your super secret tips on dealing with this confidence crusher ?

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