Running motivation

Fit & Training door thijs

Ever wonder why running is so HOT right now? Besides being good for our stamina , it's also good for our health and social activities. But it's also so important to know about essentials and how to run without getting injured, even before we’ve started! How do we do that? Let's kick off with : motivation!

We can always run. But it depends on the season if we are more likely to run outdoors. If you are not used to running outdoors, it can be really an obstacle to get yourself together and get up from that couch to run for fun. Yes, for fun. We need to decide what is best for ourselves. What is your starting position? Are you a beginner or are you a seasonal runner? Then the next question that you need to ask yourself is: What is your goal? It’s possible that you actually run for fun (health) or to clear your mind (stress) or to work through a game (competition) in the nearby future.

As a personal trainer, I love to see motivated people running through Rotterdam, but I know that YOU, who are reading this (and wondering if you can), can do that too! But you need to start with a goal in mind. This can be difficult when you don’t know how to create a personal plan. I will help you with your set up via this easy list:

Level: beginner – intermediate - advanced – pro runner
Goal: build up condition - maintain condition – work on health – increase condition
Distance: 5k – 10k – 21,5 (1/2 marathon) – 42k 195m (marathon) – mud races 5-15k

Now you have made a set up for you starting position.When will you join your first run? Make a top down plan towards your first official game. If you don’t have a goal to run for a game but just to clear your mind, you can create a weekly routine. For example, that you run on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. In my next article I will show you a program you can use as an for creating your own planning.

‘’The process is more important than the outcome’’

Keep this in mind, runner. The excitement you feel after a roller coaster ride can’t feel like a party when you can’t enjoy the ride. In the case of a runner, you can feel differences between kilometers. You might run a 'bad' 1st km but it's possible to run your best pace ever. So don’t let the first kilometer distract you from the original plan.

Now, the only thing you need to do after making your plan is to get your fancy running clothes on (motivation as well ;-)) and don’t forget to drink enough water and just, START. In my next article, I will help you with a timetable for your running goal. I hope I can support you from wherever I am.

''Every pro was once an amateur, every expert was once a beginner, so dream big and start now!'' For more lifestyle or running inspiration, you can find me on Instagram @aliciasofia_fgc or email me via