20 tips to ROCK 2015 -part 3 /4

Fit & Training door thijs

Whoop whoop! Today I share part 3 of the 20 tips to ROCK 2015. In the last two weeks I already have shared 10 tips, missed it? Don’t worry click on this smiley =) to read back tip number 1 till 5 and on the next smiley =) to read back tip number 6 till 10. Today I continue with the next 5 tips.

11. Think happy, be happy =)

People love to complain. We focus on the negative instead of focusing on the positive. We need to change our mindset. If we think HAPPY we will smile more and that is the prettiest thing you can wear combined with red lipstick… and nice good work out gear that shape your ass perfect ;) In my article “I am in charge of how I feel and today I choose happiness” I explain how daily positive psychology can change your mindset and put on your I-AM-FABULOUS-AND-NOTHING-IS-STOPPING-ME-TODAY-SMILE. With a positive thought in the morning you can change your whole day. Try it! Even when it rains outside, you have a hangover from your work out or ate so much sushi that your pants don’t fit anymore, think” B*itch I’m fabulous and I will rock this day anyway!

12. Don’t give up on things that make you SMILE :D

Unfortunately a day has only 24hours and a weekend 48. BOOHOO! I have send in a request to expand the weekends with two days and have a 36hour day but it probably won’t help us. We will fill these extra hours and end up feeling like we don’t have enough time. With all the obligations in life we intent to give up on things that make us smile. And that’s no good. Of course us Fit Girls need to work, study to become a “smartie” or help out with family but also need ME time. Besides your work outs throughout the week, make time to do things that makes you smile. Perhaps you like going to the movies, shop till you drop with friends or take a walk on the beach or in the city. Or you like to spend time in your bathtub with candles, practice a hobby or do voluntary work. It’s all about setting priorities. Tip number 12: Schedule in your calendar when you want to do these things that make you SMILE and don’t let anyone or anything come in the way. It also helps if you have friends or family that have the same things that makes them SMILE, you can do them together which is more fun anyway.

13. Step away from the television

Research shows that watching too much television could shorten your life. This is because when we watch television we sit too much for too long, or as for me lay on the couch like a mermaid ;) , but it is serious business girls! You have a higher mortality risk, particularly from cardiovascular disease if you like to live like a couch potato! But not only that, you also lose valuable FUN time when you spend it in front of the television. Did you know that most people watch television about 3,5hours a day? WHAT that’s 24,5 hours a week?!! Do you know how many burpees you can do in 3,5 hours…
Two years ago I challenged myself not to watch television for one week, and guess what, I had no trouble at all. I found out I had so much time doing other fun things and it also cleared my mind. Ever since I stop watching so much television and only choose to watch the most important series, like Grey’s Anatomy, a girl needs her portion of mcdreamy and mcsteamy ;) whahahaha or Spongebob Squarepants :D Tip number 13: step away from the television and start by doing this one day a week and you will notice that in a while you stop watching television and enjoy your life elsewhere.

14. Say hello to the sun

Let’s go outside! Why? Because we are not vampires that explode stepping into the light :D . The sun (light) gives us vitamin D, lower blood pressure, increases oxygen content in our blood, lowers cholesterol and helps to prevent having the winter blues. If you make it a habit to walk around the block during your lunch break or run twice a week to absorb the sun you will benefit from it. It will also clear your mind and give you a break of your daily activity. But if you choose to lie in the full sun don’t forget to use sunblock or otherwise you end up looking like me, which is a burned tomato! Tip number 14: Say hello to the sun at least 365 times in 2015!

15. Travel often

Spread your wings and explore the world, or if you don’t have money, your own village ;)
I love to travel. I make it a sport if my wallet allows it otherwise I dream about it! Travelling has a lot of benefits:

  • It will make you more open-minded
  • You learn how to adjust
  • It improves your communications skills
  • It is good for your health
  • Decreases stress and blood pressure
  • Improves your sleeping

Tip number 15: Travel often even if it is in your own country, make the time to explore and get curious about how your fellow earthlings live.

I am counting down the days until New Year eve! How about you? Really getting excited now to ROCK 2015 even better than 2014. Next week I will share the last 5 tips of the 20 so we are prepared for next year!