Banana Avocado Wheatgrass Smoothie

Fit & Training door thijs

The summer is approaching! That means that a nice and refreshing smoothie is more than welcome :) Filled with greenies, this smoothie is super healthy. And guess what? I have found a way to use the infamous wheatgrass and still keep the smoothie very tasty! So let's get to it and see what you need to get an instant health boost within 5 minutes.

You might be wondering why I decided to use the wheatgrass juice even if I don't like the taste of wheatgrass itself. I think we all fear this little green monster a little bit because it's known for its strong taste, but did you also know it is chock-full of proteins, vitamin C, iron and anti-oxidants? Next to that it also contains enzymes which can fight infections and certain parts of wheatgrass juice can lower your cholesterol level. Check out this website if you want to know more. For me, this is more than enough reason to incorporate this little greenie into a daily smoothie!

What you need:

  • 1 small frozen banana, chopped into slices
  • ¼ avocado
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 shot of wheatgrass juice (can be bought in most supermarkets)
  • 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder

What you do:

Now here's the easiest part. Mix everything together in a blender, top with some berries or granola and enjoy!